Project Completion Conference – International conference under the honorary auspices of the Marshall of West Pomeranian Voivodeship
Demographic changes in Europe in a regional perspective: challenges and opportunities for social policy
Stettin, Poland
Brandt, Martina: Inequalities in care and well-being across Europe
Garten, Claudius: Home ownership and the perception of material security in old age
Schmitz, Alina: Social inequalities in well-being: the role of regional depopulation and care infrastructure
Oczkowska, Monika: Regional disparities in ageing, quality of life and social infrastructure: a Polish-German comparison
Myck, Michał: AGE-WELL project: research on individual and regional aspects of ageing
Garten, Claudius (& Brandt, Martina) Subjective well-being, public pensions and retirement entry in Europe, SHARE User Conference 05-07.10.2022, Bled, Slovenia.
Schmitz, Alina (& Brandt, Martina) Ungleichheiten im Wohlbefinden in der zweiten Lebenshälfte: Der Beitrag von sozialer Teilhabe, materiellen Bedingungen und regionalen Charakteristika, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie 26-30.09.2022, Bielefeld, Germany.
Garten, Claudius, Subjektives Wohlbefinden und Renteneinkommen in Europa, IfG-Tagung 01.09.2022, Vechta, Germany.
Garten, Claudius (& Brandt, Martina) Subjective well-being and the role of public pensions supporting low-income households in Europe, ESA RN01 Midterm Conference 13-15.07.2022, Vienna, Austria.
Schmitz, Alina (& Brandt, Martina) Inequalities in old age wellbeing in Germany and Poland: The role of social integration, material conditions and regional factors, European Population Conference 29.06.2022 – 02.07.2022, Groeningen, Netherlands.
Kulati, Ellam, Demographic ageing and demand for existing homes (Kulati), 17th Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM) 27-30.06.2022, Warsaw
Schmitz, Alina (& Brandt, Martina) Inequalities in old age wellbeing in Germany and Poland: Does depopulation affect wellbeing in older ages? The role of social integration and material conditions, Nordic Congress of Gerontology 08-10.06.2022, Odense, Denmark
Kulati, Ellam, Demographic ageing and housing demand: Evidence from residential turnover in Polish metropolises, Nordic Congress of Gerontology 08-10.06.2022, Odense, Denmark
Kulati, Ellam (Myck, Michał & Pasini, Giacomo) Temporal discounting in later life, Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days (ACDD) 23-24.05.2022, Strasbourg, France
Schmitz, Alina (& Brandt, Martina) Inequalities in well-being in Europe’s older population: What role does care infrastructure play at regional level?, DGMP/DGMS Kongress 16.09.2021 – 17.09.2021, online (More information)
Garten, Claudius (Myck, Michał & Oczkowska, Monika) Homeownership and Material Security in Old Age, ESA Conference in Barcelona 31.08.2021 – 03.09.2021, Online
Kulati, Ellam, Temporal discounting in later life, 28th Subjective Probability Utility and Decision-Making Conference (SPUDM) 22-24.08.2021, Online
Kulati, Ellam, Temporal discounting in later life, 16th Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM) 24-25.06.2021, Online
Kulati, Ellam, Temporal discounting in later life, 3rd Baltic Economic Conference 07-08.06.2021, Online
Garten, Claudius (Myck, Michał & Oczkowska, Monika) Homeownership and Material Security in Old Age, NKG 25th Nordic Gerontology Congress 02-04.06.2021, Online
Garten, Claudius (Brandt, Martina; Myck, Michał; Oczkowska, Monika & Schmitz Alina), Old-age provision, social protection and subjective health; Session: Health Research in International Perspective. Part I: Focus on individual level, IV ISA Forum of Sociology 23-28.02.2021, Online
Myck, Michal (Brandt, Martina; Garten, Claudius; Oczkowska, Monika & Schmitz Alina) Material Conditions and Well-Being in Old Age: the Role of Contextual Factors at Regional Level; Session: Social Exclusion and Material Disadvantage: Housing, Poverty, and Living Standards Impacts, GSA Annual Scientific Meeting 04-08.11.2020, online
Schmitz, Alina (& Garten Claudius), Ungleichheiten im Wohlbefinden in Europas älterer Bevölkerung. Materielle Ressourcen und soziale Sicherungsmechanismen (Schmitz; Garten) Session „Aktuelle soziologische Beiträge an der Schnittstelle von Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitikforschung”, DGS Kongress 14-24.09.2020, online
“Social Exclusion and Material Disadvantage: Housing, Poverty, and Living Standards Impacts” session in the Ollie Randall Symposium of the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting Program 2020.
Oczkowska, Monika (Garten, Claudius & Myck, Michał) Homeownership an material security in older age (Garten; Myck; Oczkowska), FREE Network Retreat 23.09.2021, online
Kulati, Ellam, Demographic Ageing and Housing Turnover: Evidence from Owner‑Occupied Homes in Polish Metropolises, FREE Network Retreat 23.09.2021, online
Schmitz, Alina (& Brandt, Martina) Health limitations, regional care infrastructure and wellbeing in later life: A multilevel analysis of European NUTS-2-regions , FROGEE Workshop on Dimensions of Well-Being 18.06.2021, Online (Policy Brief)
Garten, Claudius (Myck, Michał & Oczkowska, Monika) Homeownership and Material Security in Old Age (Garten; Myck; Oczkowska), FROGEE Workshop on Dimensions of Well-Being 18.06.2021, Online (Policy Brief)
Dortmund, 21 – 23.11.2022
Berlin, 28 – 29.04.2022
Online, 11.2021
Berlin, 27 – 28.09.2021
Online/Hybrid, 06.2021
Online, 05.2021
Online, 03.2021
Online, 01.2021
Online, 12.2020
Online, 09.2020
Online, 05.2020
Online, 03.2020