In the last two decades the population aged 50+ has experienced significant increase in both Germany and Poland. As demonstrated in Figure 1 below, and majority of the following illustrations there also exists a pronounced difference in different aspects related to the demographic in Germany relative to Poland.
As indicated in Figure 2 Poland has also experienced a lower national increase (< 3 per 1000 people) contrasted to its neighbour (>7 per 1000 people). This trend, in Polish and German municipalities, has persisted between 2008 and 2017.
The population densities of the two countries, between 1998 and 2020, tell some different as well as similar tales regarding the developments in their respective regions. For instance, the two countries experience relatively greater density in their southern regions in both years. However, despite a relatively stable density profiles in Poland in the years, many Eastern Germany municipalities have experienced great density declines.
There even exist gender differences in some of the regional population developments. On average, women live longer than men, with the two genders experiencing greater longevity in Germany than in Poland. This is evident in Figure 4 and 5 below.